Mendocino Poison Company

Information on Mendocino Redwood Company’s widespread use of toxins in Mendocino County…


Website with updated information (2015) on the fire danger from poisoned trees left standing in the woods:

An online petition:

Letters we’ve sent to our local newspaper:

Photos taken near Comptche, California, August 2012:

Newspaper articles on the topic:

Current and previous actions against these poisonings:

Some pertinent data from MRC:

More information:

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5 Responses to “Mendocino Poison Company”

  1. To Mendocino Redwood Company and the Fisher Family: Stop the Use of Deadly Herbicides… « UKIAH BLOG Says:

    […] For more information on MRC and imazapyr, here’s a compilation page that references a variety of information, studies and opinions: […]

  2. The Plight Of The Beautiful Tree | Anderson Valley Advertiser Says:

    […] and our groundwater. I don’t think they have a right to poison it.” The Kalantarians created a website information clearinghouse regarding MRC and its use of Imazapyr. They also initiated an online petition drive, which has 497 […]

  3. Will Parrish: The Plight Of The Beautiful Tree « UKIAH BLOG Says:

    […] and our groundwater. I don’t think they have a right to poison it.” The Kalantarians created a website information clearinghouse regarding MRC and its use of Imazapyr. They also initiated an online petition drive, which has 497 […]

  4. Bart Kaplan Says:

    It is an old story to me. The unfinished part is how and why the atrocities continue. Where is the mandate to stop the viciousness? How many years of redundant research is necessary? Why is the mind not connected to the hand? We are drowning in the right information. There is no force in these insights. Each one says, see how intelligent I am to ferret out more and more data. Actually there are many declaimers of The Silent Spring now. And now declaimers shouting the French GMO-fed rat study was shoddy. Amazing that so much information hasn’t an iota of an effect on our petitioned rulers. Why? Why is all this knowledge impotent knowledge? Because we are really cowards in the face of the fascists no matter how much we know of the ways they are murdering us. And we are filled with prejudice against those we need to work together with. Sibling rivalries are the rage among lefties and single issues distort the big picture. Nauseating political correctness imposes its censorships and human history supplies no parallels by which to understand the obvious. Rural areas are for resource extraction as the mighty machine of capitalism eats us alive.

  5. Herbicide Forum Sunday March 8 at the Willits Grange 4-6 PM | Mendocino Environmental Center Says:

    […] To read more about this topic click here.  […]

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