Posts Tagged ‘UN’

Shameful Vote on UN Report

Monday, November 9th, 2009

Remember that holiday pounding Israel gave Gaza last winter, taking advantage of the last dark days of the Bush Administration?

Well, in April of this year the United Nations initiated an independent investigation into violations of humanitarian law, and by September that fact finding mission was reporting “strong evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity” and calling for an “end to impunity.” Sounds good, right? Wrong…

Last Tuesday, the House of Representatives took time out of their “busy” schedule to vote on a bill titled “Calling on the President and the Secretary of State to oppose unequivocally any endorsement or further consideration of the ‘Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict’ in multilateral fora.” (Turns out “fora” is the latin plural of “forum.”) I think a better name would have been “Hear No Evil, See No Evil” (the accompanying graphic could be two of the three monkeys, since “Speak No Evil” remains on vacation).

The billed passed easily, 344 yeas (yeah, Mike Thompson voted “yea”) to 36 nays. “Impunity” has nothing to fear with this mob at the helm. Here’s what Congressman Kucinich had to say, just before the vote, “Because if this Congress votes to condemn a report it has not read, concerning events it has totally ignored, about violations of law of which it is unaware, it will have brought shame to this great institution.” Mission accomplished.

What can we do about all this nonsense? Let’s start by prying Barnacle Mike out of our congressional seat (California’s First District). Until we start sending representatives to Washington to represent our interests, nothing will get better.