Posts Tagged ‘revolution’

The People Rise

Monday, January 31st, 2011

A good look at “What Corruption and Force Have Wrought in Egypt” by Chris Hedges.

Nothing Changed on New Year’s Day

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

2011 is a time for open eyes and clear thinking. Here’s a few people pointing in the right direction…

  1. Paul Krugman tracks the cross-eyed hypocrisy that actually passes for serious thinking in economics and public policy these days in “The New Voodoo.”
  2. Ralph Nader and Chris Hedges take a look at the shape of things to come in “The Left Has Nowhere to Go.”
  3. David Michael Green sends greetings from an Orwellian future: “Happy New Year, 2030.”

Capitulation We Can Believe In

Monday, December 13th, 2010

David Michael Green does a great job taking Obama to task in: “The Assassination of America by the Coward Barack Obama.”

I have only one thing to add to his sentiments: I don’t find the treachery of Obama and the Democratic Party all that surprising. It is what I’ve learned to expect. In my view, nearly all of D.C. has been captured by the Oligarchs. Exceptions like Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, and Elizabeth Warren are extremely rare nowadays, and an endangered species.

But I do agree with DMG’s conclusion: the solution to this problem is going to have to come from outside the current power structure. And it is up to us, the people, to make that happen — which is what Chris Hedges’ article is about this week: “No Act of Rebellion Is Wasted.”

And, lastly, I’d like to point to this excellent treatise by George Lakoff: “Untellable Truths.”

A Chance to Do Something

Monday, November 29th, 2010

December 16 will be a day of action — and hope — for anyone in the D.C. area.

Other good articles…

  1. The Women of AIM” by Brenda Norrell
  2. Backbone, Please” by Robert Kuttner
  3. The Stench of US Economic Decay Grows Stronger” by Paul Craig Roberts

Sounds of Rebellion

Monday, November 22nd, 2010

are growing…