Posts Tagged ‘revolution’

Soul of America

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

If you haven’t sampled Joe Bageant’s writing yet, his latest essay would be an enjoyable place to start. Joe, from Virginia, has a breezy cornpone delivery, but he can really deliver the goods. In this essay he contemplates the soul of America.

The TV Party

Saturday, May 1st, 2010

A great new essay from David Michael Green, called “Suicide by Regressivism,” examines the supreme illogic of the Teabag rant.

It strikes me as pompous and presumptuous, how this recently contrived temper tantrum has assumed the mantle of the original Boston Tea Party (1773). Here’s how one “Tea Partier” explained her position to The New Yorker:

“Government is for the post office, and to defend our country, and maybe for the roads. That’s all.”

Really? That’s all? (And I like how she maybe-ed the roads, like she’s thinking: if everyone drove a Hummer, then we wouldn’t have to pave at all.) Maybe this modern-day patriot ought to expend another millisecond of thought on the subject. I think a better name for the new movement might be “The TV Party” (2010), to honor the true source of propaganda that actually drives the thing (Fox News).

Not to slight the influence of Hate Radio, which I recently sampled…

A couple months ago, I caught Glenn Beck doing his radio show and was struck by how unhinged his presentation is. He sounds like he’s on the brink of a mental/emotional breakdown. Having heard so much about this guy, I didn’t expect such a whiny, victimized tone, but now I think I see what he’s doing.

Beck’s job is to sing a siren song to the frustrated American, all those people who have been on the receiving end of trickledown for too long. Now that Reagan’s economic sham has played out, Americans are thoroughly worn down and feel their backs against the wall. They know they’ve been had, but are unsure who did it or how it happened.

So Glenn assumes the sympatico tone of hurt, anger and desperation, in order to establish a bond with his target audience. Once the bond is established, his mission is to pour into those beleaguered ears yet another round of policies to benefit greedy wealth. A tall order, to be sure, but this frontman seems to be earning his lucre.

Then, about a week ago, trolling the AM dial once again, I heard a fellow named Michael Savage going absolutely ballistic on immigration. He was whipping up some white-hot fear and hatred with his listeners, using the argument that Mexican men are culturally inclined to rape “our women,” and we (American men) are wimps if we continue putting up with it. Upon hearing this, I realized I was listening to a modern-day Goebbels. Replace “immigrants” (or “terrorists”) for “Juden” and the echoes are unmistakeable and alarming.

There is too much of this sort of irresponsible, dangerous dis-info-tainment in our media these days. Sinister forces are at work in this country. Americans need to be aware and vigilant, to avoid complete disaster.

The Only Way Out, is Through

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Calling All Rebels,” by Chris Hedges, is a surprisingly inspirational essay on the rather daunting subject of revolution in America. With our backs to the wall, the time to saddle up approaches.