Class Warfare
Tuesday, June 1st, 2010Good article by Paul Krugman called “The Pain Caucus” expands on the idea of governments now making economic decisions based on what is best for the wealthy class, to the detriment of everyone else.
This is what Class Warfare feels like, the fruition of Reagan’s trickle-down dream. Push all the money to the top, and let the rabble fight over pennies (which explains the parallel emergence of Walmart, now the largest corporation in the land, where most Americans spend their hard-earned pennies).
It’s been a slow, steady dismantling of FDR’s New Deal, which was created in response to the first Republican Great Depression. This time we’ve got a complicit Democratic Party playing along, plus a retrograde Supreme Court, and a completely supine media.
The Owners have this country in a stranglehold, and revolution is looking like our only way out.