Fixing America
Wednesday, October 13th, 2010“Do Not Pity the Democrats,” by Chris Hedges, looks at ways to address the deep problems we have in this country.
“Do Not Pity the Democrats,” by Chris Hedges, looks at ways to address the deep problems we have in this country.
An excellent article on the Tea Party by Matt Taibbi.
To pull out of this nosedive that Casino Capitalism has wrought upon the world, many of us need to have some understanding of the basic economic principles at play here. Leaving the fox to guard the henhouse remains a fool’s game — that strategy always leads to the same outcome — so it’s time for the rest of us to sit up and notice what is going on in the world of economic decision making.
Paul Krugman observes a resurgence of the destructive game of “starve the beast” in “Redo that Voodoo.”
Paul Craig Roberts clearly explains market fundamentals in “Economics in Freefall.”
A beautiful, forward-thinking essay by David Michael Green, “Growing Up Globally,” addresses the dire need for political evolution on this planet.
On the other side of the coin, so to speak, we’ve got Joe Bageant critiquing the rampant failures of American-style Capitalism in “Waltzing at the Doomsday Ball.”
Paul Krugman dismantles the “Myths of Austerity.”
And Joe Bageant is back in: “Live from Planet Norte.”