Posts Tagged ‘economics’

Capitalist Criminals

Saturday, May 21st, 2011

Matt Taibbi does a good job explaining the games greedy people play: “The People vs. Goldman Sachs.”

An excerpt…

Goldman was like a car dealership that realized it had a whole lot full of cars with faulty brakes. Instead of announcing a recall, it surged ahead with a two-fold plan to make a fortune: first, by dumping the dangerous products on other people, and second, by taking out life insurance against the fools who bought the deadly cars.

Temple of Doom

Monday, April 18th, 2011

A beautiful speech by Chris Hedges: “Throw Out the Money Changers.”

Taibbi rips Brooks fondling Ryan

Thursday, April 14th, 2011

Taibbi tears into the self-serving hypocrites: “Tax Cuts for the Rich on the Backs of the Middle Class; or, Paul Ryan Has Balls.”

Let the Revolution Begin

Monday, April 4th, 2011

This Is What Resistance Looks Like” by Chris Hedges

Revolution or Fascism

Saturday, March 26th, 2011

Bob Herbert wrote his final essay for the New York Times: “Losing Our Way.” I wrote the following response…

Your essay was outstanding, but I have some thoughts on the final sentence: “New ideas and new leadership have seldom been more urgently needed.”

To that I would say…

There are already plenty of great ideas out there. No shortage, both online and at the library. One example, off the top of my head, would be the book: “Alternatives to Economic Globalization.” All these good ideas are simply being ignored by the powers that be.

What we do lack is leadership, and this is the profound disappointment with Obama. He did get our hopes up — but that promise has been dashed. I suspect that the needed leadership in this country will end up coming from the bottom, rather than the top. Such is the stranglehold of money on the current system. All signs point to a choice between active revolution or docile fascism.