The $400,000,000,000 Middleman
Monday, September 14th, 2009It has been an interesting summer of politics on healthcare reform. We’ve seen and heard plenty of nonsense, with greed and corruption providing the framework, and ignorance and fear filling the air. These human shortcomings are not new, but history also reveals that they can be overcome.
Single-payer national health insurance will eventually prevail in this country, simply because it is the only affordable and sustainable system in the long run.
Meanwhile, it appears that Obama and this 111th Congress may take some baby steps toward reform, but all indications are it won’t be enough to really stop the bleeding. We’ll all be back to the drawing board soon. The fact is our current for-profit health insurance system is unsustainable, it costs too much and does not work. Until we remove this $400,000,000,000 middleman from the equation, this country will remain sick and in pain.
The good news is that the national conversation on healthcare has begun. More and more Americans are learning some real facts about our common plight. In spite of the massive propaganda campaign directed against us, the truth of the matter is leaking out, little by little, bit by bit. A majority of Americans, a critical mass, will eventually get it. Single payer will eventually win, it is only a matter of time.
So the trick is, in the meantime, remain calm, centered, and patient. Whatever you do, don’t get sick! This is not a good time to require healthcare in America — unless, of course, you’ve reached the magical age of 65, when our national health insurance (Medicare) actually kicks in. Only then can you begin to enjoy the benefits of the single payer system. Before that (0-65) you are merely profit fodder for the health insurance industry.