Posts Tagged ‘corruption’

Carol Wolman for Congress

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

Pornography can be difficult to define, but as Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart famously stated in his 1964 decision, “I know it when I see it.”

The campaign flyers of Congressman Mike Thompson pass the test. If your mailbox is like mine, we’ve been carpet-bombed with the stuff lately. There’s a photo of Mike in a classroom, clicking a mouse to fix education; wearing a vest, outside, to save the environment; taking scissors to a credit card to balance the budget; donning a hardhat to resuscitate industry (it’s amazing how hackneyed these political poses have become — if governing involved nothing more than set design, we’d be in great shape). By the time his I-support-the-troops circular arrived I found myself anticipating scenes of Mikey throwing himself on a live grenade or holding up the severed head of bin Laden.

Mike Thompson isn’t saving or fixing anything. He’s an entrenched politician of the worst kind, an errand boy for the ruling class, a self-described Blue Dog who gets “fiscally responsible” whenever some public benefit like healthcare or education gets discussed, but has no problem with the astronomical costs of all the excess weaponry and warring this country propagates on the planet. All you need to know about Mike is that he voted to condemn the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, a commendable effort to investigate Israeli warcrimes. This, to me, is real obscenity.

It is an embarrassment that Mike Thompson has been our congressman the past dozen years. Contrast that bland ignominy with Mendocino County passing the nation’s first complete ban on GMOs in 2004, something to truly be proud of. So here’s a voting tip for next week: just think of Mike Thompson as a genetically modified organism, long pickled in a foul brine of alcohol and corruption, something to be avoided.

The sad fact is, barring a miracle of the first magnitude (something akin to Mother Theresa rising from the dead to slap the glass of chardonnay from Mike’s mitt), he’s going to be re-elected. California’s First Congressional District is gerrymandered for Democratic dominance, such that the Republicans don’t even really try. There is no Regressive challenging Mike in the polls, so there is no lesser-of-two-evils dilemma here. Simply put, Thompson doesn’t “need” your vote.

The Press Democrat did a good job of presenting the candidates’ statements online. Read through them, it’s quite illuminating and quickly becomes clear that Carol Wolman is the only one anchored in reality. Mediocre middle managers like Mike Thompson are driving this country into a wall. Fox News Kool-Aid drinkers, like Hanks and Rodrigues, suggest jumping off a cliff instead. Neither option is desirable. We need to stop, take a breath, and go in an entirely new direction. A sensible direction. A humane direction. Carol Wolman understands that. Let’s start sending people like Carol to the Hill instead.

Fixing America

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Do Not Pity the Democrats,” by Chris Hedges, looks at ways to address the deep problems we have in this country.

Voter Guide 2010

Monday, October 4th, 2010

Here’s my Voter Guide for a New American Century: “D” is for disappoint and “R” is for regress. Those, sadly, are the two major-party choices in this country, which is why we all need to start voting for independent, or third party, candidates in the coming elections.

The important fact is that both major parties serve the same master: Big Money. A vote down either rathole garners the same result: more of the same. That is why the ruling elite — the only ones happy with the way things currently are — would like to see you continue worrying about Ds and Rs.

It’s like professional wrestling, where the promoters care only about the take at the gate, not the outcome of the match. The “fight” is merely an act, put on to capture the crowd’s attention, to the point where they become invested in the outcome. In the long run, it doesn’t matter who wins or loses each match as long as the performers put on a good show and keep the marks coming back for more.

I don’t think Not Voting is the answer, that just makes it easier for the status quo to keep itself in power. The answer, short of actual revolution, is voting independent. Individually, it’s a small thing, but voting is where our power lies, and many of us, acting together, could make it a big thing. The freedom to do so comes from the real understanding that it doesn’t matter if a D or an R wins. That is a trap, and remains a race to the bottom. As Noam Chomsky likes to say, “voting for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.” We can do better than that, and we should.

Health in America

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

A good report from Chris Hedges: “Obama’s Health Care Bill Is Enough to Make You Sick,” takes an honest look at the health insurance biz and government in America.

Sad but True

Friday, June 25th, 2010

DMG (David Michael Green) goes on a quick tour of the past thirty years of regressive American politics in “Mission Accomplished:
The Reagan Occupation and the Destruction of the American Middle Class
.” Until a majority of Americans understand the basic premise of this story, we’re going to be stuck in it.