Tea Party People
Friday, October 8th, 2010An excellent article on the Tea Party by Matt Taibbi.
An excellent article on the Tea Party by Matt Taibbi.
Here’s an interesting example of the dynamic discussed in the previous post; that is, the possible coming together of ideological “opposites” in the name of change and progress. This example comes from Britain, following the curious merger of the Tories (conservative party) and the Liberal Democrats. As Greenwald neatly puts it in his essay: “how citizens of vastly divergent political philosophies can align.”
If the Democratic Party were interested in surviving, it would follow the lead of Representative Anthony Weiner (D-NY) in this video…
The Republican ideology is dead, it just doesn’t know it yet. The practice of the current Democratic Party (being an ever slightly more-conflicted, more-subversive version of the out-and-out Republican corruption) is also headed for extinction. Ignoring the citizenry is simply unsustainable in the long run. You can only exploit the people for so long, before they revolt or perish.
I don’t think the Republicans have any chance of surviving, long term, since representing big business is in their DNA. If the Democrats (and I realize that’s a huge “if”) were to come clean and swear off the bribery, they could hasten both their renaissance and the Republican demise. One fell swoop. But that would take courage and foresight, and I don’t see that coming from many entrenched quarters yet. It is, however, refreshing to hear it every once in a great while, so kudos to Weiner for that!
Earlier this month we had the Teabag Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, featuring Ms. Sarabelle, the dominatrix of the hard right. This was followed by the annual fascism workshop known as CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) in DC. A remarkable quote emerged from this year’s show when the heavily pin-stripped Liz Cheney, railing against the current state of counterterrorism in this country, said, “there’s no polite way to put this, but that kind of incompetence gets people killed.”
Now when I hear words like “terrorism, incompetence,” and “people getting killed” I immediately think of 9/11, back when Liz’s daddy was Vice Incompetent. That gang was so busy making the rich richer, and vacationing, that they had little time for the barrage of intelligence briefings coming in that summer, strenuously warning them of imminent attack. For example, the brief titled Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US was delivered August 6, 2001, but our heroes bravely continued vacationing the rest of that month, only making it back to headquarters in time for the actual attack.
But that was then, and now, with Liz on stage, in what should have been an awkward moment, reality did not intrude. A couple minutes after making her cluelessly hypocritical statement, Liz introduced the original incompetent himself, jolly old St. Dick, to a rousing ovation. You’ve got to hand it to these demagogues, they certainly know their audience. Knowledge? facts? independent thought? critical thinking?…nah, none of that here, no “elitist” intellectualizing for this mob. They prefer leading with the gut.
Meanwhile, in between all this Teabaggin’ and CPACin’, a bunch of retrograde zombies arose from their graves to scribble out a sophomoric manifesto they call “The Mount Vernon Statement.” It’s a remarkable collection of 537 words that say next-to-nothing, beyond some vague sense that these guys are dead set against progress. The last thing in the world we should do is evolve, for god’s sake! Instead, they seem to be suggesting that we all curl up in George Washington’s lap and go back to sleep. This movement is obviously tapped out of ideas (beyond “no taxes, no regulation,” of course, those polar stars of the greedy man ethos). This is a shining example of politics at its worst, stirring the emotions while befuddling the mind. The document is available online, and I recommend giving it a once over, just to marvel at the gassy, empty rhetoric.
At bottom is a list of signatories that reads like a macabre Who’s Who of Democracy’s Demise: Meese, Norquist, Regnery, Feulner, Bozell, Viguerie, etc. It’s a shame their old friend Abramoff is behind bars, else he could have joined the fun.
A well-researched book that takes a close look at this destructive group, and their cynical perversion of the conservative movement over the past fifty years, is The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule by Thomas Frank (2008). It’s helpful to know how these traitors to American democracy think and operate. As an old Chinese general once recommended, “know thy enemy.”