Window of Opportunity
Friday, December 26th, 2008Single Payer Now!
Healthcare in America is headed for reform, but the quality of it will depend on you.
Americans currently pay the most for their healthcare, by far, but receive inferior coverage and service. Why? Because the profit motive sits between us and our providers. The medical ethos in this country has become “first, maximize thy profit.” Corporate greed must be removed from our healthcare, and adopting single payer is the best way to do it.
Health insurers and big pharma do not want the gravy train to end. They have money, lobbyists, and clout. So, unless a lot of us insist on single payer, we won’t get it. It’s as simple as that.
The windows of opportunity for healthcare reform don’t come around all that often. FDR made initial attempts in the 30s, Harry Truman tried in the 40s. Lyndon Johnson managed to push Medicare through for seniors in 65. Nixon tried in 74, the Clintons in 93. Special interests usually kill the effort. The years go by, and more Americans suffer and die, needlessly (while others get richer). Now, we have another chance.
Everyone has three congresspersons: one representative and two senators. Rattle their cages! Tell them you want single payer healthcare in this country, now. Go to the website and send Obama the same message. If enough of us speak up for single payer, right now, I think we have a good chance at it.
For more information…