Posts Tagged ‘Bush’

Imperial Presidency

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

Congress is mustering another attempt to investigate the abuses of power of the Bush Administration. This investigation is critical to the legitimacy and perpetuation of our government and the rule of law.

The previous administration ran the executive branch, not as public servants, but more like renegade CEOs. While in office, any attempts at investigation or oversight were dismissed with claims of “executive privilege” or “national security.” This ploy, when abused, can lead to dictatorship.

Thus, an important task for this 111th Congress will be to restore some balance of power between the branches of government. Toward that goal, the House Judiciary Committee released a report last month titled “Reining in the Imperial Presidency: Lessons and Recommendations Relating to the Presidency of George W. Bush.” The 486 page document is available online, and goes into good detail on the subject. It’s worth a look.

The Prosecution of George W. Bush for MurderAlso worth a look is Vincent Bugliosi’s recent book The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. Here the famous Manson prosecutor focuses on just one aspect of the many Bush crimes: starting a war under false pretenses. Be forewarned, the author’s tone can drift toward bombast at times, but don’t let that scare you away, it’s mostly the voice of righteous indignation. Personally, I found the reading of this book to be a rather cathartic experience, a soothing balm to years of pent-up frustration.

A thorough investigation of the past eight years is sorely needed, to determine exactly what happened, how it happened, and to serve appropriate justice. Let your congress people know where you stand on the subject (and a short note to the current administration, at, might also help). Progressive government won’t occur by itself, it takes an active citizenry to really make it happen.

Worst President Ever

Monday, December 22nd, 2008

How pathetic, listening to the Bush gang prattle about their legacy. The answer, like their man, is simple: worst president ever. What began as illegitimate has ended ignominious. Bush will stand amongst his rubble forever.

Now, at the close of this shameful epoch, there is talk of presidential pardons. Not a good idea. Think about it. The presidential pardon provides the means for a criminal administration to operate outside the law with impunity. We should not be encouraging this sort of behavior.

It is time to revisit this highly abused appendage, the presidential pardon, along with the Electoral College, gerrymandering, and many other impediments to a true democracy.