Inequality Codified

November 14th, 2010

This sounds like a good book (link to a review by Bob Herbert): “Fast Track to Inequality.”

Political Insanity

November 13th, 2010

Great post from Glenn Greenwald on the incredible level of political insanity in Washington these days: “Eric Cantor’s Pledge of Allegiance.”

Revolution Coming

November 12th, 2010

At some point enough people are going to wake up and realize they have had enough. I suspect we’re getting close to that point — that critical-mass of angry citizens necessary to set off the big chain reaction. Here’s an excellent essay by Sherry Wolf on the dilapidated state of our union: “An Empire Going Kaput.”

Change Partners

November 8th, 2010

Another good summation, by Chris Hedges, of where we stand: “A Recipe For Fascism.

Election Reflections

November 7th, 2010

Sirota and Krugman reflect on the 2010 election…

  1. From Uprising to Hostile Takeover … and Back Again
  2. The Focus Hocus-Pocus