The People Rise
January 31st, 2011A good look at “What Corruption and Force Have Wrought in Egypt” by Chris Hedges.
A good look at “What Corruption and Force Have Wrought in Egypt” by Chris Hedges.
Another fine essay from DMG, wherein he addresses government’s reluctance to deal with our national cancer: greed.
“This is, in so many ways, the single key that unlocks all the doors to solutions for our various national ailments in the United States.”
Here’s an interesting excerpt from President Obama’s Remarks on Egypt…
But we’ve always been clear that there must be reform: political, social, and economic reforms that meet the aspirations of the Egyptian people. In the absence of these reforms, grievances have built up over time.
When President Mubarak addressed the Egyptian people tonight, he pledged a better democracy and greater economic opportunity. I just spoke to him after his speech. And I told him he has a responsibility to give meaning to those words, to take concrete steps and actions that deliver on that promise.
Easy to point the finger and chide, harder to actually do. Hopefully, the people of the United States will start pushing on Barack a little harder in the coming days and years, and, hopefully, Barry will take his own advice.
Meanwhile, here’s a good report from Egypt.
And now I discover that Chalmers Johnson passed away (November 20, 2010), but not before he was able to publish a final work: “Dismantling the Empire: America’s Last Best Hope.”