Recommended Books on Politics
History is important, as are the stories we tell ourselves. Lately, we’ve been failing on both fronts: remiss in understanding our own recent history, while swinish ideologues narrowly frame our stories in false and misleading ways. These are depressing times.
But I believe/hope/pray the darkest days of this cycle have passed, and it is now imperative that we educate ourselves, so that facts might inform our stories, about where we’ve been and where we’re going. Toward that end, I’d like to recommend some reading…
Threshold: The Crisis of Western Culture
by Thom Hartmann, July 2009- I’m listing this book first for a couple reasons: it’s the most recent, and it does a fine job pulling together the many and disparate threads of this subject in a concise and accessible manner. It’s not a perfect work, but if you read only one book on this list, there is a good argument for this being the one.
- Moyers on Democracy
by Bill Moyers, May 2008 - Soaring and inspired collection of speeches given over the past 30 years, all around the topic of American democracy. Drawing upon his considerable experience in both politics and journalism, Moyers has much to offer.
The Conscience of a Liberal
by Paul Krugman, October 2007- A well-written history on the rise and fall of that great American phenomenon of the twentieth century, the middle class. Roughly spans FDR to GWB, thus providing a good grounding in the recent history of our collective economic fortunes (or lack thereof).
- The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
by Naomi Klein, September 2007 - A detailed look at how economic hegemony has been practiced by American financiers over the past few decades. At times long and ponderous, this work remains important for illuminating how economic concerns have trumped human concerns.
- Politics: Observations and Arguments, 1966-2004
by Hendrik Hertzberg, July 2004 - This collection of essays, from a brilliant and accomplished writer, is as much a pleasure to read as it is instructive. Hertzberg is often at his best explaining nuances of wonkery, such as how we could improve the American electoral process.
Wealth and Our Commonwealth: Why America Should Tax Accumulated Fortunes
by Chuck Collins and William H. Gates Sr., January 2003- Excellent treatise from a couple of wealthy guys on why they — and their brethern — should be taxed, fairly and responsibly, for the benefit of all. Written in response to the selfish and greedy attack on the estate tax by those rich kids in the Bush/Cheney Administration.
So, there’s six of my favorite (fairly recent) books on politics. If you have any recommendations, I’d like to hear them.
December 18th, 2009 at 7:21 am
Thanks for these recommendations and the useful annotations. This is a perfect list of books for what should be a mandatory course, Wake Up America 101!
What an era we live in — of unprecedented greed and corruption. Yet at the same time, it seems very few people are aware of how deeply they are getting screwed. Whatever any of us can do to enlighten the American mind, is VERY IMPORTANT!
We need to get with it, and realize what’s going on in this country, a place where the USDA is buying meat that even the fast food industry doesn’t want, is hardly suitable for pet food, and is serving it up to our precious next generation, our kids, via the school lunch program.
Unbelievable. Unconscionable. Despicable. And you can bet if that fare was being served at the congressional cafeteria, things would change fast.
Thanks for taking the time to help in the awesome task of helping “We the People” to learn the truth.
December 28th, 2009 at 8:42 am
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